I recently read a blog by a mother whose child faced cerebral palsy. She lamented that the greatest trial her son faced was that of isolation. It frightened me, and I began to search the web. Many parents suggest that the best tool is to come to the school and educate your child's peers about their condition. It seems difficult task to try to make children understand something that adults struggle to understand.
However in my search I found a blog where one mom shares her lesson plan on how to educate her sons class on Autism. Her explanation was so clear and logical, I feel like everyone who knows a child diagnosed with Autism should read this post. It was called "A hair-dryer kid in a toaster-brained world." When you get to the bottom of her post click on the link "Question 2" and continue reading. Its such a simple way to explain the world of a child with Autism.
Her experience really gives me hope. It sounded like the kids were very receptive. I pray we will find the same type of children in our neighborhood, and escape the trial of isolation that sadly many special needs children face daily.
I was excited to see that Lady Gaga is starting a foundation called "Born This Way" to help promote awareness and acceptance for children with Rare Diseases. I hope that it has an deep impact to improve the lives of special needs individuals.